About Italy - Referat
Presentation about Italy
Some facts:
Italy (Italian: Italia)
Italy is a country in Europe in the Mediterranean area. Neighbouring country’s are France, Suisse, Austria and Slovenia. Also the Enclaves, San Marino and Vatican City (in Rome). Also to Italy belong the Mediterranean Islands Sicilia, Sardinia and Elba and the international not recognized principality Seborga.
Italy is famous for it’s kitchen, fashion, design, architecture, art, music (especially the Opera) and it’s tourism.
Official languages: Italian; in some other parts of Italy also German, French, Ladian and Slovenes
Capital:Rome (Roma)
Head of state: Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
Prime minister: Silvio Berlusconi
National hymn: Fratelli d’Italia; text of Goffredo Mameli (1847); Music of Michele Novaro
Fratelli d’Italia, l’Italia s’è desta, dell’elmo di Scipio s’è cinta la testa…
( Ihr Brüder Italiens, das dem Schlaf sich entwunen und den Helm des Scipio aufs Haupt gebunden…)
Religion:Most Italians are catholic and the most of the, in the south of Italy believe very hard in God. The “santa messa” every Sunday is not only for the older people a must and they go not only in religious minds also because of the society. But also in Italy the younger generation is not that interested in religion like it was 10 years ago.
Family: The family structure in Italy is a little different than the Germans. The father is the main person in the family - but only for the society. Inside the House and inside the family is “la mamma” the main person and of course she would never give anyone the possibility to come in her position.
Family in a very important fact in a Italians life. And it’s not like in Germany, that you see your aunt two or three times a year. They come together very often and they know their whole and often big family very well. But not only Your aunt and uncle and maybe the grand aunt and uncle. They know every person doesn’t matter if it’s the cousin or the uncle of your cousins mans nonna - As you can see, family is very, very important. They come together for
talking, laughing and of course eating Pizza, Pasta and all those wonderful things the Italian kitchen can give to you.
The language:The Italian language full of different dialects. E.g. in the Toscana a ci is more than “zi” and in the Emilia Romagn it’s more than “zz” nearly like the English “th”, the piedmontesi pronounce the r like the French and in Sicilia the o turns into “u”.
Here are some words, sentences and rules or the behaviour:
These sentences and words of the Italians are a unit for it’s self. The spontaneous and quick-tempered people love it to throw bad language the the others. As tourist it’s better not use this bad language. But it’s good to understand them. (Translation in German)
vaffanculo Arschloch (geh zum Arsch)
cornuto! Idiota! Gehörnter/Betrogener! Idiot! (If you want to visit a Italian doctor, use this!)
porco dio! Schweinegott!
Merda! Scheiße!
papa Gallo Papagei (Macker, Anmacher)
Scempo; stupido/a) doof; dumm; Dummkopf!
Pazzo! Verrückt, Verrückter, Vollidiot!
TV and Radio:The National Radio and TV programs RAI Uno, RAI due and RAI tre are controlled by the government; Silvio Berlusconi is the owner of this RAI-TV organisation. The most shows in this RAI-TV organisation are Shows for the whole family. Not one Show is without, music, dance and of course, pretty women.
Like we have “die Lindenstraße” in Germany the Italians have “Un medico in Familia”
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