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Alaska-the last Frontier - Referat

Alaska fromthe aleutename alyeska " big land " is according to surfaces biggest (about 20% of the total area), the most northern and most western federal state of the USA. However, Alaska has the fourth-smallest population of all federal states. Alaska is the 49-th federal state of the USA and was attached on the 3rd January, 1959 to the USA. Alaska has the epithet " the last Frontier " (the Last border). Alaska exists of three regional metropolitan areas: the mountain chain along the whole southern Pacific coast, the Yukon depression with his mountainous country and hill country as well as the coastal level in the north polar lake. Thousands of lakes are on the area of Alaska, the biggest ones of it (Becharof, Iliamna, Naknek and Ugashik) are on Alaska Peninsula or in the crossing of the mainland to this peninsula. The biggest river or. Stream of the land is of the Yukon River which arises in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and cuts through the middle of Alaska in the direction of the west fluently and flows into the Bering Sea. In the east Alaska borders on Canada, in the west to the putting a ring on sea, in the north to the Arctic Ocean and in the south to the gulf of Alaska which is a part of the Pacific Ocean.
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