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Bill Clinton - Referat

Bill Clinton alias William Jefferson Blythe IV

1. Career

1946 On August 19th William Jefferson Blythe IV was born in Hope Arkansas
He grew up with his grandparents because his father had died three months before his birth in a traffic-accident and his mother went to New Orleans to become a nurse.

1950 His mother Virginia Cassidy married Roger Clinton

1953 The family moved to Hot Springs in Arkansas

1954 William began to be interested in politics because of many political Tv-shows

1956 His half-brother Roger Clinton jr. was born
Bill changed his name from Blythe to Clinton

1962 He was able to meet John F. Kennedy in the White House Rose Garden

He was not only interested in politics but also in musics. He played the saxophone and had his own band “The 3 blind Mice”. He won many academic and musican scholarships. One he won for Georgetown University.

1968 Bill grauduated at Georgetown University and won a scholarship to Oxford University

1971 He began to study law at Yale University
He met Hillary Rodham and decided to apply for a seat in the democratic party

1973 He graduated at Yale University and went back to Arkansas to teach law

1975 On October 11th Bill married Hillary Rodham

1976 He was elected as Attorney General of Arkansas

1978 He was elected as governor in Arkansas (the youngest governor ever)

1980 On February 27th his daughter Chelsea Victoria was born
He was voted out of office as governor by a bare majority

1982 He was reelected as governor

1991 On October 3rd Bill announced his candidacy as president
After that the “Penthouse” published that Clinton had a sexual affair with his

1992 On November 3rd Clinton was elected 42nd president, Al Gore became vice-president
For the first time in twelve years the White House and Congress were held by the same party

1994 Republicans won both houses of Congress

1996 On November 5th Clinton was elected again to have a second term

1998 Impeachment process aiganst Bill Clinton because of his sexual affair with his trainee Monica Lewinsky but Bill Clinton won

2000 On August 16th he spoke his words of farewell

2. Political aims

He wanted to
- improve education
- reduce crime
- improve ecomomics
- strengthen and improve diplomatic relations with other countries
- create even more equality between black and white

3. Success

While Bill Clinton was president the Americans enjoyed more peace and more economic wealth than at any other time in history. He was the first democratic president to win a second term since Franklin D. Roosevelt.
He could point
- the lowest unemployment rate in modern times
- the lowest inflation in 30 years
- the highest home ownership ever
- dropping crime rates in many places

Unknown words

to vote out of office - abwählen
impeachment process - Amtsenthebungsverfahren
trainee - Praktikant/in
words of farewell - Abschiedsworte
to strengthen - festigen
diplomatic relation - diplomatische Beziehung
to drop - sinken

Quelle(n) für dieses Referat: keine Angaben

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