Green Buildings - Referat
Green Houses
Energy saving houses
The first thing you should now is that the amount of energy, which is consumed by households, is about 30 % of the whole energy produced.
With different changes people can save a lot of money and protect the nature.
There are three types of Green Houses.
The low-energy-house is any type of house that uses less energy than a regular house.
The passive house is a house that uses no specified energy for heating.
The energy-plus-house produces its own energy.
The standard for residential homes in Germany is 7 liters heating oil for one cubic meter of room for heating annually.
A low-energy house right now is considered less than half of that. That is a relative standard, of course, and will certainly change in the future. This aim is achieved bye using special materials building the house. At first you isolate every part of the house: the walls, the windows and the roof. You use a more efficient heater which runs with gas, biofuel or wood and you can add
solar cells or heat exchanger on the roof.
A passive house has no central heating unit (except for a warm water boiler). It depends on its own energy like sunshine; radiation from electrical devices, candles and even human bodies.
Such houses rely mostly on isolation and thick walls. Natural or high-tech insulation materials are much more effective for a low heat stream through the wall than wood, natural stones or concrete. The best isolating building blocks are foamglas, gas concrete, and a new type of bricks.
If a house like that uses alternative energy like solar cells, solar thermal energy, wind energy, biofuel or an earth-heat exchanger, it can be called an energy-plus-house.
An energy-plus-house produces its own energy, sometimes even more than is being used within its own walls. This is generally achieved using some combination of solar panels, solar heating/cooling, excellent insulation and careful site selection/placement. It often, but not always, involves a sort of post-modern minimalism that uses a minimum of modern comfort, it’s tried to save energy instead of waste it. Others are near like a "normal" home, since they simply use the most efficient of everything throughout the house.
The author William Mc Dounough describes a type of architecture that is designed after the natural image of a tree which produces clean air for its environment, filters the ground, and provides many different organisms with the livelihood that they need.
Dieses Referat wurde eingesandt vom User: W3nD7
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