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Indianer (Vertreibungen) - Referat

Now I tell to you something about the early situation of the Indians.
In the middle of the 19-th century a lot of Indians who lived in the east were done in so-called "Indian Territory" in the west of the USA.
However, the Indians were rounded up more and more, because the area became always smaller.
Step by step almost the complete land belonged to the USA, because these had also taken the powers of the Spanish, French, English and Mexican collonies from themselves or they had bought it and they also used it.
The Americans sometimes did also treaties with the Indian which wanted to have her land again but these mostly failed, as soon as the Americans the land were used again to the mining, to the agriculture or quick road construction.
The first treaties were in 1851 with the Plains Indians. However, these treaties missed.
The Indians suffered very much from it and fast also followed war, famine and many disease.
The first significant diseas in 1849 where half of the Pawnee people died of cholera epidemic.
The first very important war, was that of the Sioux in Minnesota,but this war was defeated.
At last in 1883 the last buffalo herds were destroyed from which followed that there was an end of hunting and even more hunger followed.
Only seven years later, in 1890, there was the last failure of the Plains Indians. This fight, was called the fight of the wounded knee.
Okay, this was something to the early situation of the Indian's expulsion, now tells Corinna you something about the situation now a days.

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