Lerntippsammlung Headergrafik


Informations about - Referat

Compare and contrast the members of the Birling Family

• Birlings = family in an inspector calls
• On the one hand Sheila & Eric, on the other hand Mr/Mrs Birling
• Sheila & Eric: younger generation, about 20 y.o.
• Both are hostile towards their parents & lack their cold-blooded attitude
• Sheila is an honest optimist, Eric is shown as a „silly boy“ however he is more demonstrative than others & capable of real feelings for them
• Arthur/Sybil Birling: cold-blooded, stereotypes for the upper middle class, arrogant, & very conscious of social position
• Big difference: Eric&Sheila regret what they did & admit their guilt at E.S. suicide
• The parents: Would act like before, to keep their reputation

How is Eva Smith characterized? Describe her function within the play.

• Important character in an inspector calls
• Women of the working class (1912) -> innocent victim of the upper middle class
• Dominates action invisibly bc of her suicide
• Presented in an idealised way: pretty, soft hair, large brown eyes
• Smith: normal name -> stereotype for the working class
• Character traits: lively, intelligent, warm-hearted
• Trys to fight for her rights, is good to everyone
• Victim of selfishness -> suffering her fate
• Ends desperate & hopeless -> suicide

Explain Priestly’s use of dramatic devices in the play an inspector calls

• Beginning of act one:
• Doorbell -> inspectors arrival which interrupts Birling’s speech about social responsibility
• Phtograph: inspector only shows i tone person at a time -> adds to the mystery he & Eva are sourrounded by
• Dramatic irony: Mr. Birlings speech (titanic = unsincable, 1940 will be peace everythere) -> he seems ridicoulus
• Contrasts: the beliefs of Birling with the attitude oft he inspector
Sheila & Eva Smith (girls in same age, but different classes)
• Cliffhanger at the end of act one: ends with well?, act 2 starts with well?
-> audience have to wait for continuation, although they already anticipated it
• Act two: contrasts & dramatic irony,
• Repetition of keywords -> „guilt“, „duty“, „blame“ -> makes ppl aware of the social responsibility
• The end: final denouement is a shocking surprise (the call)

Who is Inspector Goole?
Explain the various functions of the enigmatic character within the play.
• Enigmatic figure, which neither changes nor develops
• Name = pun on „ghoul“, which is a ghost who is interested in dead bodies
• Furthermore: Good Lesson (pun) -> trying to teach a moral lesson by revealing the truth
• Works as the authors voice -> has a bad attitude towards the upper class, such as the author
• Already knows what will happen
• Air if menace around him
• Natural authority
• Voice of social consciene -> points out that social responsibilities become greater as privileges increase
• Influences Eric & Sheila, unfortunatly not their parents

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