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Nature and Enviroment - Referat

Climate Change Consequences in Germany


Hello everybody. Welcome to my presentation. Today I would like to talk about climate change courses in Germany. This is a very huge theme so I m going to talk about three sections in Germany, which are affected by the climate change. First of all I would give you a short overview of my presentation.

Overview of Presentation

At first I am going to talk about how much it will effect the agriculture in Germany and then tourism. After that I will explain ……. Finally I am going to give you a conclusion.

Now I would like to talk about the courses in the agriculture in Germany. The agriculture is affected, by the temperature rising in the spring, by the summer, when it will be drier and hotter and by the winter getting damper. All that will bring new challenges to the agriculture in Germany. But not only the rising temperature will affect the agriculture, also the increasing amount of Co2 will do that. Co2 can increase photosynthesis and the growing of plants, but it also have some negative effects like droughts, which makes fields look like this BILD4 and Heat, these things makes the positive effects useless. Lets have a closer look on to the temperatures. Higher temperatures in the summer and Spring and damper and higher in the winter, will cause many fields to be build in the north of Germany. It also allow the farmers to plant new plant species, like corn, soy or sorghum. But the rising temperature is also a big problem for cows they have more stress when its getting hotter, so their milk is getting worse. But that’s not all climate change cause to agriculture, another very important things are communicable diseases, which only can contaminated by special parasites. These disease are endangering the keeping of farm animals. Climate change is giving these parasites new chances to survive and reproduce each other faster. The changing temperatures are downgrading German milk products and keeping farm animals, also the rising amount of Co2 is not good for our agriculture.

Now I would like to move on to the courses, which effect the tourism in Germany. There are different kinds of tourism, which are affected by the climate change. But mostly affected is the winter tourism, specially the ski tourism. Higher temperatures and different rain patterns lower the chance of snowfall very much, in the end this can look something like this BILD1, as you can see this is a huge problem. To counter this problem, most skie areas are using artificial snow on their slopes. But artificial snow only works at a degree limit of four and needs a lot of water and energy, which makes it very expensive. In the end it makes the skie areas very unprofitable. But that’s not everything, artificial snow is very bad for the nature and environment, because it needs a lot of water and energy, so artificial snow is just a temporary solution. Not only the winter tourism is affected by the climate change, also the summer tourism has to deal with the consequences, which are brought by the climate change. For example there are very high floods on the coasts, which are a big problem for the summer tourism. But there are some good solutions for that problem like early-warning systems, dams or buildings on stilts. Another Problem is the water quality in germen lakes and pools, which sinks very fast, if the temperatures rises. Because when the water temperature is higher, germ and microbe build ups are more often
and this can be injurious to health and in the end this causes swimming bans, which are not good for the germen summer tourism. Even the tourism is affected by the climate change, which isn’t good these negative effects can cause very high losses to the germen tourism businesses.

At last I would show you the consequences, which the climate change courses to the nature in Germany. In Germany forests are mostly affected. Because in future there will be less rain in the summer and more in the winter. At the year 2050 will be 40 percent less rain in the summer and 30 more in the winter. The problem here is, the less rain in the summer. That will course droughts and higher needs for water by the trees. But when there is no water the pressure in the trees will be less, so leaves and fruits are falling down faster in the end, this courses forests to be less tight. If you look at this, BILD2 you will see a normal forest with enough water, but if you look at this picture, BILD3 you will see a forest with not enough water, as you can see there aren’t enough leaves .Long droughts are also triggers for the growing of harmful mushrooms and insects, because with less water and higher temperatures trees couldn’t produce enough resin, to fight these insects and mushrooms. Climate change also destroys trees with storms, heavy rain and forest fires. Not only forests are affected by the climate change, seas have to deal with the consequences to. The sea level in Germany rose in the past 100 years 15 to 20 cm, but in the upcoming 100 years its going to rise 20 to 80 cm. Experts are warning about a rise of 25 cm, because more than a half of the coasts in Germany are build less then 5 m above the sea level. Now you can say also our nature is affected by the climate change, it will destroy our forests, rises our sea level and courses natural disasters like heavy storms and rain or big fires.

All in all you can say climate change courses a lot of problems, not only in countries, which are in cold regions or close to water, also countries like Germany, have to deal with a lot of hard problems. To stop this everyone have to do something, like being climate neutral, or other green things, because we don’t have infinite time.
Thank you for you attention, do you have any questions?

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