Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan (PKK) - Referat
The labour party Kurdistans (Kurdish: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan, Kurdish worker's party) is a Kurdish underground organization with origin in Turkey. It fights with force of arms first for political autonomy of Kurdish settled areas in Turkey, it commits also notices on civilian goals, their distant goal is the establishment of an independent Kurdish Staates.[1 ] the organization and their successors under others of Turkey, the European Union and the USA than combination of terror is classified.
The organization the Kurdish worker's party maintains sister organizations in all parts of Kurdistans: In Syria the "party of the democratic union" (PYD),in the Iraq the "party for a democratic solution in Kurdistan" (PCDK)in Iran the party for a free life in Kurdistan (PJAK). The spreading organization calls itself since 2007 coma Civakên Kurdistan ("community of the societies Kurdistans"). It maintains its own parliament, courts, an army, a "condition" and a "nationality". The "congress of people Kurdistan" practices the function of a parliament. Leader of the KCK in this structure is nominal Abdullah Oecalan. The KCK of an executive council under the presidency of Murat Karay?lan is actually led. Bases and camps of the organization are in the Kandil mountains, a mountain region in the northeast Iraq.
The organization designations the labour party Kurdistans in the course of its history several times renamed itself. In April 2002 first renaming took place in "liberty and congress of democracy Kurdistans" (Kongreya Azadî û Demokrasiya Kurdistanê, KADEK). One and a half years later a renaming to the congress of people Kurdistan (Kongra Gelê Kurdistan took place, briefly: Kongra gel). In the year 2005 the name coma Komalên Kurdistan took place was adopted and in June 2007 finally took place renaming to coma Civakên Kurdistan.
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