Washington - 2.Version - Referat
Washington is the capital of the USA.
It was based in 1790.
The town was named Washington because of George Washington.
The D.C. in the name means District of Columbia.
That is an own district.(bezirk)
1783 , the congress in Philadelphia decided, that the nation needs a capital.
A 16 km big area was chosen, along the border of Virginia and Maryland.
President George Washington had chosen the place of the district.
Christoph Columbus called the district, District of Columbia (D.C.).Washington instructed Pierre LŽEfant with the design of Federal City. Later it was renamed in Washington.
-1800 Government moved to Washington.
- 1814- The Britain conquered and destroyed many of the buildings in Washington.
- -1850-Number of people under 52000.
- 1870- The number of people rise up to 132000.
A big part of this was black people.
- 1920-1940- the population increased to 250000 people.
- Today-The population is 571000 people.
1. The Surpreme court building, built in 1935
2. The white house, built in 1792;
The first inhabitant was John Adams.
Today George Bush reign in it.
3. The Capitol, built in 1793.
4. The national Archives Building, built in 1935.
5. The Univeristies in Washington: 1. Georgetown
2. American University, built in 1789
3. George Washington University, built in 1821
4. Catholic University of America, built in 1889
5. The Trinity College, built in 1897.
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